
Jobs Hr




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       Firmly believe that the company, talent is the fundamental enterprise development power, we are in process of manpower resource development adhere to the concept of innovation, system innovation; adhere to create a fair, just and open atmosphere, give full play to set up a potential mechanism, in the realization of business objectives at the same time, each person is provided with a full realization of self value development of space -- "you can turn much of the fall, will give you a big stage".

1, "everyone is a talent, not race horses" -- you can more than doubled down, give you the big stage

 Now is not lacking in talent, but talent mechanism.Management's responsibility is to construct "racetrack" for each employee to create innovative space, so that every employee become manage independently SBU.
Jockey mechanism specifically, contains three principles: first, fair competition, appoint people on their merit; two is the duty of the can, give full scope to the talents; three is reasonable flow, dynamic management.In the system that use worker worker, execute a set of excellent staff, qualified staff, probation employee "the coexistence of the three workers, dynamic conversion" mechanism.On the cadre system, golden shield to middle-level cadre classified assessment, every cadre positions are not fixed, the expiration of rotation.Country of human resources development and management of meaning, give full play to each person's potential ability, let each person every day can feel come from the enterprise and market competition pressure, but also can be converted into competitive dynamic pressure, which is the sustainable development of enterprises.
In China, most people are touched by, many ordinary in the ordinary jobs on the staff, can be hard to do their own work; some of the general line of the workers in order to improve production efficiency, a technical reform, their home out of money used his spare time to do.If everyone can work hard to create, to invent, to do his work well, make their work to improve step, no matter what difficulties we have to overcome!
Everyone wants to get the respect of others, hope that his own value is recognized.As long as the staff to create value for customers, you affirmed its value, which is the core of management.

2, authorization and supervision combined - full authority must be combined with supervision.

  Country of developed three rules: reign to be controlled by competition, promotion, expire to rotation. "Need to be controlled in" has two meanings: one is the cadre subjectively to self-control, self-discipline, self-discipline consciousness, the two is the group to create the control system, control of working direction, objectives, avoid making the directional errors; and control the financial, avoid violating the law and discipline.
"Promoted by competition" refers to the relevant functional departments should establish a more clear competitive system, make excellent talents can follow this system, so that each person can feel the pressure, and can fully display their talents, not buried talents.
"Expires shall rotation" refers to the main cadres in a sector of the time due after the expiration of term, rotation sector.This is done to prevent the cadre long-term work in the same department, thinking of rigid, lack of creativity and vitality, leading to work not in new situation.Alternate system for young cadres can also increase the chance to exercise, becoming rounder, for the future development of enterprises to develop more human resources.

3. talent, talent, human capital

Talent - these people want to do, but also have some basic qualities, but need to carve, enterprises should have investment, it has to be mature desire.
Talent - this kind of person can be rapidly integrated into the work, can immediately begin.
Human capital -- the kind person through their efforts can bring enterprises great wealth.
The country was, good people is "talent".
"Talent" rudiment, should be "talent".This is the "talent" blank, "raw material", enterprises need to take the time to carve.But now known as the "speed" of the fierce competition in the market, we don't have the time.
"Talent" is the development of wealth ""."Talent" is good, but good people is not equal to can generate wealth for the enterprise; as a minimum quality, "talent" the recognition of enterprise culture, but with the enterprise culture is not necessarily immediately can create value for enterprise.Light has corporate culture is not enough, but also for enterprises to create wealth, so that people can become "people wealth".
Whatever is available, uncut "talent", and immediately started, use the "talent" is our ultimate goal; we want to seek is for enterprises to create wealth and value of wealth ""!
Only the "money" is the top level talented person!Coming for enterprises to create wealth, to create value!Our enterprise wants healthy, should make full use of wealth, "found".

4.today is talent, tomorrow may not be or talent

The talent of definition, must look for the community to create value, every person should and can be a talent, for the community to create greater value.
Talent is a dynamic concept, market competition is very intense now, today is the tomorrow will not necessarily talent, talent, the master should continue to self-transcendence, and constantly improve their own quality.
How to improve oneself quality ceaselessly, do forever talent?Must have their own ideal, own goals!If there is no firm goal, in improving their quality, challenging the process
Will hesitate, waver.Master of each country has their own dream, the dream must and shield create famous brand in China the goal of combine.
